Ice Warning System Basic

The system is designed to warn the drivers for the potential of the presence of an icy layer on the road.
It is consisted by a panel with a reflective warning traffic sign (slippery road), a set of yellow Led flashing lights and an electronic panel which displays the current temperature of the road surface.
A high precision temperature probe is inserted directly into the ground, so when the temperature falls under +3°C/37.5°F the Led lights start to flash in order to warn the drivers.
An SMS can be sent at a set temperature, in order to inform the relevant private or public services for the road condition.

Ice Alert System
Led Light Color |
Lens diameter |
Power Supply |
220VAC / 12VDC
Power Consumption |
max 20W
Operating Temperature |
-30°C / +85°C
Panel Dimensions (cm) |
74 Χ 31 Χ 7
Certified |
ΕΝ12352 L8H
The system can be powered through photovoltaic kit of 20W, suitable for installation in Ø60 or Ø90mm metal pole.
It can be also powered by 230VAC power supply kit of Class I or II.